Website Control Panel’s Framework Installer
A PHP Framework Installer which is definitely user friendly

Inside the LittleMonkey Hosting Website Control Panel, you can find a useful tool that will enable you to set up a brand new PHP framework in seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool finishes the whole process for you, therefore gets rid of the necessity to download, add and then configure your framework prior to starting any project. You’re all set to start off your framework based project very quickly, with little effort.
Various frameworks on hand
Kick–start your online undertaking using a framework
When using the PHP Framework Installer built–into the LittleMonkey Hosting Website Control Panel, it will be easy to add diverse PHP frameworks, all of them supplying a unique range of capabilities and uses: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.
Each individual PHP framework is upgraded to the current stable edition and its installment demands no setup at all.
1–click PHP framework installing
Your PHP framework is only a mouse click away
The PHP Framework Installer is made to work on the same basic principle as our App Installer – with very little effort needed from you and the system executing the hard work for you. PHP frameworks are set up with merely a number of mouse clicks with no configuration demanded from you. All you have to do is pick the spot of your PHP framework. That’s all.
We maintain a log of the installed PHP frameworks and you’re able to un–install each PHP framework which you don’t need with just a click of the mouse.
1–click data backup
The quickest way to back up a framework
When your data is online, the simplest way to shield it is undoubtedly by maintaining a backup. You can expect frequent data backup for all of our hosting accounts. Yet, if you wish to be in absolute control, you can actually back up your frameworks at any moment. We have developed an intelligent system that enables you to make a backup with a click of the mouse.
There’s no limit for the amount of backup files you can create or how frequently you can make them. All backups are going to be placed in a folder in your account. So long as you have available space, you can make as many completely new backups as you need.