Optional Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you are way too busy working on your websites or developing your web apps, you hardly ever have the time to check what is happening with your Virtual Private Server – whether it is under excessive load or if all the processes are running okay. With our Optional Admin Services deal, we’ll do this for you. Your Virtual Private Server will be added to our custom–developed server monitoring system and the moment there is a sign of a trouble, our sysadmins will be informed straight away.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • To manually back up a VPS Server isn’t the simplest assignment in this world. You will either have to use a different server or your computer, alternatively deploy a 3rd–party solution. We offer a far easier solution with our Optional Admin Services deal. We will create a complete backup of your server every week, so you never need to worry about losing vital data. And we can always retrieve a backup really fast. All backups we make are placed on a special server with a RAID array of hard disks, so if anything happens to your content, we’ve got your back.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • Whilst a Virtual Private Server gives you an almost endless number of possibilities, you will often have to install additional software applications. And that’s where our Installation & Troubleshooting solution can come in real handy. It is an essential part of our Optional Admin Services package, which allows you to call for any of our experienced sysadmins to install any kind of software and to take care of any trouble that you’re experiencing with your VPS server.

    Our Optional Admin Services deal is bundled with most of our OpenVZ VPS Servers. It is an add–on for the KVM VPS Servers.

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