Setup Fee
What are set-up fees and what role do they play in the world of Internet hosting?
Any time you acquire a brand new hosting, it's generated on a server and the process normally takes some time, including the verification and processing of the transaction, which many companies make personally. When you order a dedicated server, for instance, the installation takes even longer since the machine has to be built, set up and tried so as to guarantee that it'll operate the right way. Because of this, numerous suppliers have a one-time charge so as to cover the time and efforts used on your new account. The charge, which can sometimes be high, is usually not displayed on the front page, and you'll notice it on the checkout or payment page, so you won't be aware of it before you've already completed the whole signup process and you may even miss it if you don't pay attention.
Setup Fee in Hosting
If you acquire a
hosting package from us, you will never be required to pay any installation fees. For that matter, we don't have other concealed fees of any sort too. We value each and every customer and it is our principle that when you obtain any plan from us, you shouldn't have to pay anything else than the charge for the hosting plan. You will not find any sort of hidden charges after or before your order, which shows you that we're a reliable and legitimate supplier. The cost of your brand new shared hosting plan will be the same all around on our web site - the front page, the order as well as the payment pages. Because we offer immediate account activation, you will not have to wait for many hours or even days in order to start setting up your site.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you get a
semi-dedicated server package from us, you will pay only the monthly fee that is already displayed on the website. Your account will be made on our servers and we will activate it in a matter of minutes at no additional cost. This is valid for each and every monthly charge and whatever the total number of accounts that you buy. It is our belief that it's not reasonable to charge you extra money for something that we have almost fully automated, so that you'll never find any setup costs or another hidden costs. By reason of this, all of the rates that are displayed on our front page, on the payment page as well as on your bank statement will always be exactly the same.