The disk space function shows the overall amount of info that you can have on the hosting server at any time. With a personal computer, for instance, this is the capacity of a single hdd or the full size of all the hard disk drives in case that your computer has more than a single one. Exactly as the space on a PC is shared between installed computer software, documents, your music and so on, the server storage space is normally divided between internet site files, databases and e-mail messages. Every file, folder and e-mail uses some space on the server, so you should consider a bunch of factors, not only the size of the files you upload. For instance, having large e-mail attachments or running a script-driven internet site where the user-generated content material is located in a database will also affect the space you're using.
Disk Space in Hosting
All of our hosting packages were developed with the concept that lack of hard disk space shouldn't be something that can prevent the growth of your sites. That is why we've applied a technique which is distinct from the one that most website hosting companies take - rather than generating all of the accounts on one server and subsequently not having enough disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform where the storage is taken care of by a whole cluster of servers. As a result, we can always add more machines if they are necessary and more hard drives, in order to offer more disk space for all of the files of our valued clients. Separate clusters manage the e-mail messages and the databases, consequently not only will you be able to develop your web sites without worrying about hdd space, but also the servers will function better and faster due to the fact that each service does have its storage space and a single server doesn't handle various kinds of files.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
Owing to the fact that our semi-dedicated server packages are incredibly powerful, we have made the decision not to limit the disk space characteristic when we have created them. Our understanding is that when you buy a powerful plan, it's likely that you've got plenty of website info, that's why each and every semi-dedicated server package includes unrestricted hard disk space, which will enable you to center on enhancing your websites without having to worry if you will match an allowance. Your hosting account will be created using a cloud web hosting system in which the files, emails and databases have their individual groups of servers, so not only will the machines perform much better because just a single type of system processes will operate on them, but in addition you will never need to worry about the disk space as we will add as many servers or hard drives to every cluster as needed.