AAAA is a domain name record, which is basically the IPv6 address of the server where the domain is hosted. The IPv6 system was introduced to replace the present IPv4 system where each and every IP address is comprised of four sets of decimal digits between 1 to 255 e.g. In contrast, an IPv6 address includes 8 sets of 4 hexadecimal digits - from 0 to 9 and from A to F. The reason behind this transformation is the significantly smaller number of unique IPs which the current system supports as well as the speedy increase of units that are connected to the Internet. An illustration of an IPv6 address would be 2101:1f34:32e2:2415:1365:4f2b:2553:1345. If you need to forward a domain name to a machine that uses this kind of an address, you will have to create an AAAA record for it, not the widely used A record, that is an IPv4 address. The two records provide the very same function, yet different notations are used, so as to separate the two forms of addresses.
AAAA Records in Hosting
In order to use a domain address or a subdomain that you have in a hosting account on our end for any third-party service and you ought to create an AAAA record for that, it will not take you more than just a few mouse clicks to do this using our highly effective, though easy-to-use Hepsia CP. After you go to the DNS Records section and click the Create a New Record button, a compact pop-up will show up. This is the spot where you could create any DNS record, so you just have to pick the needed domain name or subdomain and the type of record through drop-down options menu and enter the IPv6 address, that’s the actual record. In case you have zero experience with such matters, you won't have any issues as Hepsia is incredibly user-friendly and your new AAAA record is going to propagate within the hour, to enable you to start using your domain/subdomain with the other company. In case they demand it, you'll also be able to edit the Time To Live (TTL) value for the record, defining how long it will stay active in the global DNS system after you change it or delete it.
AAAA Records in Semi-dedicated Servers
Creating a new AAAA record for a domain or a subdomain hosted in a semi-dedicated server from our company includes only a few simple steps, which you will be able to find inside the Help section of your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel as well. You'll need to choose the hostname for which the new record is going to be created from a drop-down menu in which you will find all your domain names and subdomains. Setting up the new AAAA record is as simple as choosing the one that you need and entering the IPv6 address for it. This is achieved with no more than a couple of clicks, so you can very easily forward any hostname to a different provider by using an AAAA record and use it with whatever service they provide. It's going to take just a few seconds for the new record to be live and just about an hour for it to propagate worldwide, so you'll be done in no time. The other provider can also ask you to set some TTL value for the AAAA record, that's different from the default one - 3600 seconds. This feature determines how long it will take for any new value you set for your record to take effect as the old value is still active.